Sunday, June 20, 2010

How Important 1 USDs are...

I never brought 1USDs with me... but I understood its importance when I started crossing borders. In countries like Laos and Cambodia, they always require you to pay for what they call an "Admin Fee" and "Overtime Fee" (if you are crossing the border on a weekend or holidays.

The lesson learned is that it is cheaper in most of the times to pay 1USD than to pay in their own currency as they value it much higher. It is not as if you are losing a fortune but it could have been "fairer" a deal with 1USD.

The most 1USDs I've used is when I crossed the south of Laos to Cambodia... You have to pay at the Laos Immigration 1USD then another to the Cambodia Immigration then another dollar for the H1N1 test. BUT I ended up just skipping the H1N1 as they got somehow confused. I proceeded then for the bus.

I will try to post the cost of border crossings in the next entries.

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