Thursday, October 23, 2014

Mid-life Concernments

At 31, I can say I have accomplished a lot. So, no worries about tomorrow anymore.  I never did worry about it anyways.

But at 31, you see people your age who are at the "peak" of the cycle - married, with kids, investment/s (house, car, etc.), masters/doctorate, and maybe some maintenance medicines.  I don't have any of those.

At 31, I am still constantly travelling for work and for sanity (reason for the inability to find a boyfriend).  And kids, well, I can't imagine having them (I cannot take care of anyone else than myself).  The only investment I have is the investment for the future of the community I help (almost all my savings go to my personal initiatives).  I still plan on finishing my masters (or enrolling for a new one).  And I am healthy --- conditioning to separate work from personal life paid off (I work on the weekdays + I laze around on the weekends = lesser stress life).

But at 31 and working on projects, I can't help but ask myself about the near future (after the project).  What will I be doing then?  Where will I be?  Will I have enough savings (whatever is left) to support me if I am again in the unemployed side of the scale?

Though at 31, I think I can still do a lot of things.  Well, I can offer a lot of things.  I can go back to consulting.  I am pretty good in project management and there are a lot of development projects in the Philippines.  Or I can teach art focusing on recycling.  Or I can sell cakes and breads for a while.  Or whatever.  There are a lot of options.

However at 31, just like most of the people I know, one should think of a stable stage in the cycle and stay there for a while.  I am still not on that part. I am still on my way up.  How high up, I don't really know.

I'll just wait for when I am 32 then  let's see if these are concerns still.

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